Exceptionally resistant to insect infestation and fungi, it’s recognised kak?m a really tough option. A hardwood that darkens bey it matures, it’s particularly suited to sunny exposure and won’t disappoint. You emanet see our full ipe decking timber range here.
And thanks to its
Konsol Uzunlu?u ve Malzemesi : Konsollar?n uzunlu?u , merdivenin dayanak yap?s?n? etkiler . Bu , ekseriyetle güzel duyu tercihlere , kullan?lan malzemenin dayan?kl?l???na ve bina kodlar?na ili?kind?r .
Uçan merdiven tasarruf? dair dikkat edilmesi gerekenler titizlikle izleme edilmeli
Due to its ‘upbringing’ surrounded by the intense, dry heat, wind and rain of tropical Africa, iroko is a highly seasoned wood. An oily hardwood, it ba?makl?k very high natural resistance to insects, pests and decay — a go-to outdoor timber for use in exposed areas.
?roko a?bibe